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The Palóc private ethnographic collection

The Palóc private ethnographic collection and Palóc doll exhibition are situated in the building of the former primary school, in the immediate vicinity of Bene House in Mátrafüred.

The manual work of Mrs. Rita Juhász Lovász – national costume artist, is represented by 29 Palóc dolls which provide the cross-section of the feast and casual clothes. Beside costumes from Nógrád and Heves, the ethnographic culture of Borsod and Gömör counties can also be observed. The collection of folklore artist Mrs. Magda Mészáros Szakács is on display in the second room. The outstanding pieces of the collection that come from over 100 settlements are woven textiles and tent-covers. The Museum of Ethnography declared the collection protected.

Palóc babák és Palóc Néprajzi Magángyűjtemény (The Palóc private ethnographic collection)
3232 Mátrafüred, Pálosvörösmarti u. 2.
Tel.: +36 30/913-4987, e-mail: info@palocbabak.hu

Summer (ab okt.30): Mo-Sun: 10-17
Winter Fri- Sat -Sun: 10-15

Entry fee:
Adults: 600,- Ft
Child: 400,- Ft
Retired: 400,- Ft
Team: /21 Pers./ 400,- Ft