The town Gyöngyös, has a brand new and unique exhibition.
The exhibition about numismatics named after Lajos Huszár wich has been donated by Miklós Dobál and is located at the Main square in Grassalkovich Mansion. The collection of coins and medallions tell us the thousand year history of Hungary starting with the coin of St. István and ending with the recent ones. It represents a very valid picture about the history and development of coinage in Europe.
Huszár Lajos Éremtár
3200 Gyöngyös, Fő tér 10.
Tel.: +36 37/313-881
Nyitva tartás: hétfő, kedd, szerda, péntek: 9.00-17.00-ig,
szombat: 9.00-13.00
Belépő: 500 Ft
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