Tourism in the Mátra is inseparable from the name of Kolos Hanák, a lawyer in Gyöngyös. In 1887 he established the Mátra Division of the Hungarian Carpathian Association and started getting to know the Mátra as a tourism destination as well as launched tourism there. His principal work entitled ‘Mátra Guide’ has been published several times and regarded to be unique while exploring the Mátra. The lookout tower at 590 m could be visited even at the beginning of the previous century. As mentioned by the Mátra Guide in 1929: ‘It is a rectangular establishment on a rock where staircases lead’. The current one is a reconstruction of the original one which was destroyed. The view is breathtaking in the south. The lookout tower is accessible by following the yellow L symbol off the yellow stripe trail between Mátrafüred – Mátraháza.
The lookout tower can be visited free of charge throughout the year.