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The Jessze-tree altar, Gyöngyöspata

The carved high altar is decorated with Jesse’s tree motiv, which is a unique treasure of European art.

The altar with the motive of Jessze-tree, depicting the family-tree of Jesus Christ – a beautifully carved Baroque high altar, with a theme that is unique to Hungary, is standing in the Gothic 15th century sanctuary of the Roman Catholic parish-church in Gyöngyöspata. The eight-meter high altar with numerous dynamic figures is likely to be the work of the South-Polish artists from the mid-17th century. A tree is shooting from the life-size trunk of Jessze, lying on the altar. Biblical kings and prophets – including Solomon and David are on the tree-branches, crowned Mary, holding an infant in her arms, is sitting enthroned over their richly guilded and painted statues. Stripes of script, containing quotations from the Song of Songs, are winding on the tree-trunk, the branches are decorated with two grape-leaves. The middle picture of the altar, in the oval frame, presents the birth of Mary. The altar that had been seriously damaged and transformed through the course of history several times, was perfectly restored by the experts of the Hungarian Inspection of Monuments after 1968.
This is one of our most beautiful Hungarian Gothic monuments, situated in a large three-naved Gothic church.

Registration in advance: +36 37/364-219, +36 30/239-2728, +36 30/451-3234


Monday – Friday: 7.00
Saturday: 19.00 (winter 17.00)
Sunday: 8.00, 19.00 (winter 17.00)

Registration in advance: +36 37/364-219, +36 30/239-2728, +36 30/451-3234